
Isilo watchtower library 2015
Isilo watchtower library 2015

isilo watchtower library 2015

We do not wish to put ourselves at risk from the Watch Tower Legal Department that might involve a lawsuit. Patterson, NY 12563-9204, do not want to exercise our legal right in accordance with Title 17 of the United States Code, Section 107. Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania I hereby state under penalty of perjury that this information is accurate, and that I am authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the infringed materials. I have a good faith belief that use of the materials in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law. We hereby request that you take all steps necessary to remove all the infringing material that belongs to Watch Tower from the referenced Web sites and that you advise us in writing within ten (10) days of the date of this electronic message whether or not you will take the requested action. Hence, such unauthorized use of these materials violates copyright law. However, Watch Tower has not given you permission to reproduce and distribute its materials. We appreciate that you may have good intentions in compiling and posting such information.

isilo watchtower library 2015

The material reproduced and made available for transmission is taken from Watch Tower’s publication, Examining the Scriptures Daily. Without authorization, the above-referenced Web sites contain copyrighted materials of Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania’s (Watch Tower).

isilo watchtower library 2015

So it was a surprise that we were contacted by the legal department of the Watch Tower after more than three and a half years of operation, see below.

#Isilo watchtower library 2015 free

If this is something that bothers you please feel free to contact the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. Publishing a small part of a book this way can be done legally based on "fair use". Very soon we understood that many others had the same need. The daily text is a private initiative that started because we personally had a need for it. We know many have benefitted from this site.Ī few have complained and when questioned on the legality of this site we have provided a response like this: It has been a safe place to visit for any Jehovah’s Witness or anyone interested. The site has always been non-commercial and has never contained anything offensive for Jehovah’s Witnesses. Those behind this site are Jehovah’s Witnesses. It has been available from two websites with the option to use an RSS feed as well as subscribe via email or follow on Twitter. The purpose of this site that started in 2006 has been to give a complementary way to read the daily text from the Examining the Scriptures Daily booklet online as the Watch Tower has not provided it to date.

Isilo watchtower library 2015